Dialga FTW Website Sidebar

Wanted (and Pending) Items

Since I've ceased collecting other Pokemon, this is now my sole wants page.

Last updated: April/25/2016

Don't see something here, or in my collection? Please let me know at 'happyjolteon at gmail dot com'! I'm especially looking for new or unknown figures, stamps, and pins, but I'm interested in most flat items as well.
Since it feels like I'm adding two items to this list for every one that I remove, I've updated it from a priority list to a list sorted by type. It generally works out the same since my priority right now is figures above everything else, but will hopefully be more organized. (I currently have all the Dialga plush I'm aware of, so I'm not seeking any more plush!)


Pokemon Dialga and Palkia Daisuki Club Clear and Pearl Figures Dialga Chou Get (Clear Text)

Other Non-Flats:

Pokemon Dialga Pokemon Center Charm Pokemon Center Tokyo Tins Pokemon Center Dialga Diamond Folder Pokemon Stamp Rally 2011 Victini Stamp

Dialga Wanted Coin Purse Dialga Wanted Coin Purse Pokemon Korean Erasers Pokemon Wristbands Pokemon Dialga Roks Pokemon Dialga Keychain Dialga Disc Toy - ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール ディスクでゲット! Dialga Crazy Expensive Battrio Coin

(Photo for the PC charm thanks to this blog. Photo for the strap thanks to this blog.)

Flat Items:

Pokemon Dialga Paper Standup Pokemon Dialga Paper Postcard Pokemon Center Dialga Clearfile Palkia Bath Towel

Dialga 2010 Calendar Page Pokemon Dialga Palkia & Darkrai Candy Bags Pokemon Ensky Magnets Diamond and Pearl Pokemon Ensky Magnets Diamond and Pearl Pokemon Retsuden Magnets Diamond and Pearl Pokemon Dialga Wappen Iron On Patch Dialga Soap Card Dialga Wrapper with others in tin Dialga Korean Pogs Korean Pokemon Stickers Pokemon Dialga Green Sticker Pokemon Dialga Diamond and Pearl Plastic Card Pokemon Dialga Wanted Card Pokemon Dialga Monster Collection Sticker Pokemon Dialga Diamond and Pearl Candy Box

(Photo and info for the clearfile thanks to Asami-1120. Photo and info for the calendar page thanks to eternal_rena. Photo and info for the purple sealed card from this blog. Photo and info for the candy box from this blog. Photo of the Korean cards from Alice in Pokemon Land.)

This list is very incomplete - if you see something else you think I might not have, try me! My wanted list is much shorter than the amount of items I don't have because I generally buy things the first time I see them ^_^;
The only things I am generally not interested in are clothes (too expensive and hard to display for me), items that show Palkia (or Giratina or Darkrai) and Dialga together, and bootlegs. Custom and fan-made items I consider on a case-by-case basis.

No pictures yet, but I'm also looking for these Dialga items:

Low priority wants:

These are items I'm not actively seeking, but would be interested in buying on eBay or direct from individuals.

  • The following English language Dialga TCG: Reverse holos of this Platinum card, this Platinum card, this DP card. I'm also looking for the League Promo version of this card, and regular English versions of the shiny card and the Dialga G LvX - I held off on getting them while they were still viable in tournaments.

    These items aren't released yet, but I'll be looking for them:

    Nothing right now!

    These items are coming soon!

    Other than the things already on this site, here is what I am NOT looking for!

    Images and information credit goes to:

    Japanese Pokemon official website (Goods section)

    Bandai official website

    Pansy's Collection Site and Trade List